Category: Blog

The Top 3 Causes of Headaches

Headaches are a common issue which most people experience from time to mind. While some headaches are, let’s say, self-inflected, headaches which seem to come out of nowhere are what we’re more interested in as a Chiropractor. This week, let’s look at a few of the most common causes of headaches – the good news… Read more »

5 Ways to Reduce Back Pain for Free

Back pain is a common issue that affects many people at some point in their lives. While medical treatments and therapies can be effective, there are also simple, cost-free methods to alleviate back pain. Here are five ways to reduce back pain without spending a penny.   Maintain Good Posture Maintaining good posture is one… Read more »

Understanding Sciatica- Prevention and Treatment through Chiropractic

On average, more people visit the Chiropractor for help with back pain than anything else – indeed, it’s what we’re best known for! After back pain, however, Sciatica is right up there with our most treated conditions. If you’re just learning about Sciatica, here’s what you need to know!   What is Sciatica? Nearly everyone… Read more »