Tag: leg pain

Understanding Sciatica- Prevention and Treatment through Chiropractic

On average, more people visit the Chiropractor for help with back pain than anything else – indeed, it’s what we’re best known for! After back pain, however, Sciatica is right up there with our most treated conditions. If you’re just learning about Sciatica, here’s what you need to know!   What is Sciatica? Nearly everyone… Read more »

That stubborn Sciatica….

Sciatica is one of the most “Stubborn” conditions which we see at the clinic – we say stubborn because it’s notoriously difficult to treat and has a nasty habit of going away, only to reappear shortly after. This week, let’s learn a bit more about that pesky sciatica.   So what is sciatica anyway? Sciatica… Read more »

Finally, a solution for sciatica!

Sciatica is a common but often tough to shake complaint which can be notoriously difficult to resolve. Sciatic pain ranges from mild to severe, and can affect one or both legs. Sometimes it can switch from side to side and occasionally it even presents as lower back pain, especially in the earlier stages. Since sciatic… Read more »