Tag: medication

The Top 3 Causes of Headaches

Headaches are a common issue which most people experience from time to mind. While some headaches are, let’s say, self-inflected, headaches which seem to come out of nowhere are what we’re more interested in as a Chiropractor. This week, let’s look at a few of the most common causes of headaches – the good news… Read more »

Does chiropractic care reduce opioid use?

Whether your painful complaint consists mainly of back, neck shoulder or even hip pain, for many non-chiropractic practitioners drugs, usually painkillers are the first weapon of choice when it comes to treatment. While short term use of common medicines such as Ibruprofen may provide relief and come at a fairly low risk, far too many… Read more »

Migraine, headache? Chiropractic is more effective than drugs!

Headaches and migraine are a common condition which can leave people feeling miserable and irritable, depressed and perhaps unable to manage day to day. The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence estimates that approximately 6 million people in the UK suffer from regular migraines, with around 190,000 migraine attacks happening every day. So what… Read more »

Low back pain: why you should avoid medication

Low back pain is probably the most common musculoskeletal complaint amongst the UK population, and is recognised as the single greatest cause of pain related disability worldwide. More and more research is confirming the risks associated with long term use of medication for low back pain, while at the same time questions are being raised… Read more »

Osteoporosis – a natural approach to treatment and prevention

Osteoporosis is a common condition which weakens bones, leaving them susceptible to fracture.  The condition is most common amongst the older population, (especially women) and is slightly more prevalent among Caucasian and Asian populations, especially those of a light build. Millions more have low bone mass (osteopenia), a pre-cursor to osteoporosis – early intervention could… Read more »