Christmas Is Coming!

As the festive season approaches, the air is filled with the familiar sounds of carols, the scent of cinnamon-spiced treats, and the warmth of holiday gatherings. It’s been a productive and sometimes difficult year, but now it’s time to kick back, and relax!


How much do you know about Christmas?

Christmas is a time of joy and celebration it’s about friends and family, being thankful and getting a bit of a break! However, Christmas is also filled with traditions rich in history and customs –  some of which are truly fascinating. This week, we’re giving you some interesting facts to drop into conversation at the dinner table, how many did you know already?


The Origin of Christmas Trees

While the practice of decorating trees during the winter season dates back centuries, the tradition of the Christmas tree as we know it today has its roots in 16th-century Germany. It is said that Protestant reformer Martin Luther was the first to add lighted candles to a tree, inspired by the beauty of stars shining through evergreen branches. The custom gained popularity, eventually evolving into the beautifully adorned Christmas trees we look forward to today.


The True Colors of Christmas

When we think of Christmas, the colours red and green immediately come to mind. These choices are not arbitrary; they actually have significant historical and cultural meanings. Red is often associated with the apples on the paradise tree in medieval plays, symbolizing the forbidden fruit. Meanwhile, green represents the eternal life of evergreens during the winter months!


The Christmas Pickle Tradition

Have you ever heard of the Christmas pickle? This quirky tradition has German origins and involves hiding a pickle-shaped ornament on the Christmas tree. On Christmas morning, the first person to find the pickle receives a special blessing for the coming year and, in some households, a small gift or the privilege of opening the first present. While the exact origins of this tradition remain unclear, it adds an element of excitement to the holiday festivities and will only cost you a pickle!


The Twelve Days of Christmas

Contrary to popular belief, the twelve days of Christmas do not refer to the days leading up to December 25th. Instead, they begin on Christmas Day and extend until January 5th, culminating in the celebration of Epiphany. This tradition has religious significance, commemorating the journey of the Magi to see the newborn Jesus. Each day represents a different aspect of the Christmas story, offering a more extended period for festive celebrations.


The Global Celebration of Christmas

While Christmas is widely associated with Christian traditions, it has become a global celebration embraced by an amazing number of people from diverse cultures and religions. In Japan, for example, it is a time for romantic dinners and gift exchanges, and in India, it is celebrated with vibrant decorations and festive meals!


Happy Christmas Everyone!

As we wind down to the end of the year, and prepare to deck the halls and embrace the spirit of Christmas, we’d like to thank each and every one of you for supporting the clinic and being part of our family. The clinic would be nothing without you and we never forget that. We’ll see you in 2024!


Blog by / December 18, 2023 / Blog

Dr. Paul Irvine is a doctor of chiropractic who graduated in 1994 with a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of NSW and in 1996, attained his Master of Chiropractic degree from Macquarie University in Australia. He practised in North Sydney for 5 years before he left Australia to travel and practise in the UK. He joined Complete Chiropractic in 2003 (est 1999) and took over the clinic in 2007